Calls for Papers

This page will be updated weekly with recent calls for papers. You may also refer to the UPenn - Calls for Papers in our "Links of Interest" Section for a more detailed list.

CFPs will be listed in order of proposal deadlines.

• The St. John's English Graduate Conference on Discourses of Power: Subjugation, Struggle and Sacrifice in Literary and Political Cultures will be held on Saturday, April 21, 2012 in the D'Angelo Center Ballroom (to be confirmed). Individual papers may be submitted, but panel submissions are encouraged. Multimedia will be available for Power Point presentations, music, or video. Abstracts (150 words or less) are due by March 15, 2012 to Include abstracts in email as a PDF or MS Word attachment. If submitting as a panel, please include an abstract for each individual paper. The names and contact information for each panelist should be included in the email submission but NOT on the abstract attachments. For more info, see the full post.
• Hunter College is holding their Graduate Student Conference on May 11-12, 2012 on Storytellers: Crafting, Testifying, Fibbing. Please submit abstracts of 150-250 words to by Thursday, March 23, 2012. All proposals should include your name, affiliation, contact information (including email address), and a short bio. Please also include a title to your paper. See the full post for more details.

Works In Progress, a graduate student conference, hosted by the University of Cincinnati will be held on May 31, 2012. Currently accepting proposals for individual and panel presentations. For more information, view the full post. Abstracts are due March 30, 2012 to

• The SoCal Writing Centers Association is hosting the 2012 IWCA Conference in San Diego, CA from October 25-27, 2012. We invite you to consider the centers where you work and write. The deadline for proposal submission is April 23, 2012. For more information, please visit:

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