Join us for our Meet the Faculty Series! As we introduce each faculty member in the department, you may link to their introductory blog post from this page.
Dr. Stephen Sicari
Department Chair
Professor, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Literary Modernism; the Epic, the Allegory, and the History of the Novel; Theory and Criticism
Dr. Robert Fanuzzi
Assistant Chair
Associate Professor, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., 18th and 19th Century American Literature; African-American Literature
Dr. Dohra Ahmed
Assistant Professor, B.A., M.A., M.Phil., Ph. D., Postcolonial Literature; American and Ethnic American Literature; Utopian Fiction
Dr. Angela Belli
Professor, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Modern Comparative Drama; Literature and Medicine
Gabriel Brownstein
Asst. Professor, B.A., M.F.A., Fiction
Lee Ann Brown
Assistant Professor, M.F.A., 20th Century Poetry and Poetics
Dr. Scott Combs
Assistant Professor, B.A., The University of Chicago, M.A, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, Rhetoric and Film
Dr. Harry Denny
Director, Staten Island and Queens Writing Centers
Associate Professor
Dr. Granville Ganter
Associate Professor, B.A., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., 18th and 19th Century U.S. Literature; Northeast Native American Studies; and African American literature
Dr. Anne Geller
Assistant Professor and Director of Writing Across the Curriculum, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.
Dr. Rachel Hollander
Assistant Professor English, Ph.D., M.A., B.A., Nineteenth-and Early Twentieth-Century British literature
Dr. Amy King
Associate Professor, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Victorian Studies
Dr. Carmen Kynard
Assistant Professor, B.A., M.A., Ph.D.; Director, First-Year Writing Program,
Dr. Brian Lockey
Assistant Professor, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Early Modern Literature
Dr. John Lowney
Associate Professor, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Modern and Post-modern American literature, American poetry, African American Literature
Dr. Kathleen Lubey
Assistant Professor, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Eighteenth-Century Novel
Dr. Gregory Maertz
Professor, B.A., A.M., A.M., Ph.D., Romanticism; Romanticism and its legacy in literature, art and cultural politics; the afterlife of Nazi art and culture; art and propaganda; kitsch and camp; history of the profession; criticism and theory
Dr. Steven Mentz
Associate Professor, B.A., M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Shakespeare, 16th and 17th-Century English Literature
Dr. Stephen Paul Miller
Professor, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Contemporary American Literature, Cultural Studies, Poetry
Dr. Melissa Mowry
Associate Professor, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., 18th-Century English Literature, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Dr. Lisa Outar
Assistant Professor, B.A., Princeton University, M.A., The University of Chicago, Ph.D. The University of Chicago, Caribbean Literature, Postcolonial Theory
Dr. Derek Owens
Vice Provost, Executive Director of Institute for Writing Studies, Professor, B.A., M.A., D.A., Composition Pedagogy, Writing Program Administration, Ecocomposition and Sustainability, Experimental Writing
Dr. Nicole Rice
Associate Professor, B.A., Yale University, M.Phil., University of Cambridge, Ph.D. Columbia University, Medieval Religious Culture
Dr. Jennifer Travis
Associate Professor, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., American Literature to 1900, Gender Studies, Cultural Studies
Dr. Elda Tsou
Assistant Professor, B.A., University of California, Berkeley, M.A., University of Chicago, Ph.D., Columbia University, English and Comparative Literature