Perhaps most of you already know where the English Department is located on campus and how to find it. Well, I remember my first visit to the Department and it wasn't easy to get there without a little help. So for those of you who may be new to the English Department, I hope this mini photo-tour is helpful to you, and to all - please enjoy!
St. John Hall is a bit obscured behind the beautiful fall foliage here. This view is taken from the front doors of the St. Thomas More Church. The Law School (Belson Hall) would be just to the right of St. John Hall. Now that you're oriented, we'll head through the front doors, down the stairs to the basement, and we'll turn left passing the Fine Arts Department.
Don't forget to stop and say hello to Gina and Lana in the office! We'll be introducing you to them this week - so stay tuned.
Or at least that's where most of the St John's English dept has office hours. Other faculty members can be found at the Institute for Writing Studies, & Dr. Stephen Sicari, the Chair, has his office behind Gina & Lana. Plus there are several of us on the Staten Island campus, all of whom also teach at Queens.